Upcoming Events
FREE On demand videos
Meeting with Spirit
April 2020: 1-hour Facebook Live Interactive Event with Deva Premal. Lisa answers audience questions on the virus, planetary issues, the afterlife, connecting with spirit and more. Surprise guests such as Abraham Lincoln, Shyamdas and a few Ascended Masters show up to share live messages for humanity.
An Evening with Lisa Najjar
March 2020: 2-hour Interactive Event with Maureen St. Germain. Lisa and Maureen give live readings. Ascended Masters and Archangels join with messages for all.
Receive a Free Reading
When you host an Evening with Spirit.
It’s easy! Simply gather your friends – and Lisa does the rest! Lisa will join on Zoom world-wide. The events are 2 hours and can take place in the afternoon or evening. All guests receive a mini-reading. You, as host, receive a full reading as a gift!
Featured Past Appearances

Gallery Readings – Spiritual Origins
(Huntington Beach, CA)

Rickie Byars invited me on stage to channel Spirit at New Year’s Retreat
(Malibu, CA Dec. 2019)

Channelling Shyamdas with Deva Premal & Miten at Omega Institute
(Rhinebeck, NY Aug. 2019)