About Lisa


Lisa NajjarLisa Najjar used to be a court reporter.  Now, she’s reporting for a higher court; not the Supreme Court, but the Celestial Court! Lisa is now an International Psychic-Medium, Speaker, Author of Dying to Tell You – Channeled Messages from the Famously Dead, and Creator of Higher World Media, a new uplifting-content media production company. She is the Executive Producer and Intuitive Consultant for an award-winning documentary called What If? The Movie. Lisa’s entrepreneurial spirit has created products dedicated to the promotion of world unity and peace. She offers workshops, events and private consultations world-wide, along with content on her new YouTube channel and Podcast. Through her many projects, Lisa feels she is living her passion to help raise consciousness on the planet.


Disney once said: “Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” For me, the dream was to help raise consciousness on the planet. And the mouse was Walt Disney himself. 

For those of you who have not read my book, I will share a little of the magic surrounding it. For those of you who have, sorry for the recap.

Dying to tell you boooks
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Dying to Tell You is my first book. That said, I hesitate to call myself an author. What I am is a Psychic-Medium-Channel. I am a former Supreme Court Reporter who started taking dictation for the Celestial Court! I didn’t write this book; I simply transcribed the messages that those in spirit (celebrities, historical figures and Ascended Masters) wanted to share with the world, from the other side, from behind the veil of death.

The book is a collection of deep, soulful, inspiring channeled messages, shared from the heart of each one of my guests, in an effort to help us here on Earth to live better, more meaningful, more fulfilling lives now, while still in our bodies.

But wait, I got ahead of myself. I wanted to share how this all came to be in the first place…

A number of years ago, Walt Disney came to me, in spirit, while I was with friends visiting some very magical lakes in Alberta, Canada. He showed up unbidden; that is to say, uninvited, unsolicited. He gave me a message through my good friend and medium, Delmar. The message was to never give up on my dream and that he would help me to achieve it. The dream he was referring to was a spiritual/comedy TV series, called What a Fool Believes, that I was in the midst of pitching to television producers. This TV series was channeled from spirit a few years earlier and is quite a magical story in itself – but that’ll have to wait for another day 😊. When Walt came through that day, he wanted to remind me to hold the vision and not to give up on my dream. I needed to hear that as I was struggling to believe at the time.

A few years later, Walt visited me again, this time directly. (I should add here that I was always a natural born psychic-medium but was never interested in making this my profession. I used it only for friends and family). He came to tell me that he had a project for me to do, one that would help him say what he wanted to say, while at the same time helping me get on with my spiritual purpose (to help raise consciousness on the planet). He told me that it would be a book of channeled messages from dead celebrities and historical figures and gave me some of the names of the people I would channel.

I thought it was a wonderful project but it did not seem like the right time for me to do this. So much was going on in my life back then. I had just seen my only child off to Europe on his gap year before university and I was grieving, as so many mothers do when they find their nest empty. I was trying to launch a new business, as well as continue promoting peace and unity through my World Unity Design. These endeavors needed so much of my focus and attention that there wasn’t much left over for this new spirit project.

So, I put it off, and it went out of my mind.

A couple of years later, Easter 2015, Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln and George Harrison came back to ask if now I would do the project for them. Well, how could I say no to that trio? And so began a wonderful journey with an iconic cast of characters, who I now consider friends. I feel deeply honored to be the voice for these others, sharing their beautiful, heartfelt words with the world because I believe their words have the potential to transform lives. These days I share my spirit messages in media interviews, and with live audiences around the world. I offer private consultations world-wide. I teach workshops on meditation and Increasing Your Intuitive I.Q., both live (in select cities) and online. I produce regular webinars, podcasts, YouTube videos and more, bringing forth spirit’s wisdom wherever I can. I am super excited to announce that I am creating a higher-consciousness media production company that will bring uplifting content to the world. Many exciting projects are being created as I type this. This is a dream come true for me, and one that began, well, with a mouse 😊

Create magic in your life!